Friday, April 13, 2012

Muscle Mania!

So as you know, I'm all about finding a fitness routine that you love and adore so that you too can develop a love (or at least like!) for fitness. However... there is one caveat: You must incorporate some sort of strength training into your regimen. Really. This is pretty much non-negotiable. Well, that is, only if you want the best results and the tightest tush. Up to you.

Why, do you ask, is strength training so darn important? Consider the following:

1.The more muscle you have, the more calories you're burning, even while at rest.

More calories are used to make and maintain muscle than fat, and you're
going to love this: Strength training can boost your metabolism by as
much as 15%! So you're torching those calories even while sitting on your
bum watching Law & Order:SVU.

(Please excuse the ciggy in her mouth. Of course I don't condone lighting up!)

2.The more muscle you gain, the tighter your physique.

Muscle takes up less room than fat = a leaner, tighter you!!

3. Your regular cardio workouts will be easier

The more strength you acquire, the more you'll be able to apply to your
normal cardio fitness routine

4. Helps protect those bones of yours

According to Troy Tuttle, MS, an exercise physiologist at the University of
Texas Medical School, "One of the best ways to stop, prevent and even reverse
bone and muscle loss is to add strength training to your workots." Strength
training can help you to increase your bone density and reduce your risk of
bone fractures, which becomes more of a concern the older you get. It also
helps with arthritis.

Contrary to popular belief, strength training doesn't make women bulk up. Au contraire! It makes you leaner!!! So try lifting some free weights at your gym,
or do push-ups during commercials, or use resistance bands. Any way that you can work it into your life is beneficial. Aim for at least 2x a week, but make sure that you don't work the same muscle groups on consecutive days. For example, work legs and back one day, then shoulders and arms the next. Try to add a day of rest in between your strengh training sessions.

Key tips:
1. Form is everything!!
If you can't maintain proper form, then go lighter! If your form is crap,
then you won't benefit as much as you would if you lifted the appropriate
weights. For example, performing bicep curls, make sure that you extend your
arms straight at the bottom of the rep.
2. Try to move through your sets as quickly as possible.
It's cool to take a rest when needed, but decrease as much as possible the
number of breathers you take in between moves.
3. Go heavy!
Go as heavy as you can handle while maintaining that good form. Look at it
this way: The heavier you lift, the sooner you can call it quits!
4. Do Circuits.
Super effective, super fun, and super great way to make the minutes melt
away. For example, do two sets of 12 reps of tricep dips, then jump rope
for one minute, then bicep curls, then jumping jacks for a minute, then 20
push-ups, then run in place, etc. You get the pic.
5. Work more than on muscle group at once.
Example: Do bicep curls while squatting. Again, just make sure that you don't
work the same muscle groups the next day.

Very important to remember: MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT. I repeat, MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT. So forget about that scale!!! Once you start lifting, you'll most likely start gaining weight yet your clothes will magically become smaller. You'd be surprised how much super fit people weigh, simply because they're packing around loads of muscles. Yet one more reason to stop being a slave to the scale. I mean it.

If you're unsure of where to start, then try going to classes at your local gym, or buy an at-home fitness program, or ask me for some pointers. Body Pump is a must try, whether at Gold's Gym or Beachbody's at-home version. P90X is the ultimate, and now there's even a P90X 2!! Whatever it is, shop around, find something you love, and remember to keep changing it up to keep that body of yours guessing! HAPPY LIFTING!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Source: via Whitney on Pinterest

Raise your hand if you would love to have bunzz of steel. Raise your other hand if instead of your booty being high and tight, it's low and...flat. Not the look you were going for, right?? How many of have you have been working that booty out like crazy and STILL not really seeing results? Frustating, isn't it? I hear you. But cheer up, Charlie!! I have the key that may unlock the secret to your success and help you achieve that dreamy derriere.

I have a question for you: Do you ever suffer from lower back pain? Do you sit for long periods of time? Do you ever get those awful charley horses whenever you're working your glutes and/or hips? (Ahhh, they're brutal, aren't they?!!) Do you have super tight hip flexors? Do you know what your hip flexors are? If you don't, you have some quick learning to do if you want that nice booty! Pay attention, because there will be a quiz at the end. Kidding.

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that flex the hip. Within this group is the psoas, which attaches to the lower back, and the iliacus, which attaches to your hipbone. Sitting actually puts these muscles in a shortened position, resulting in some tiiight hips. So all those hours that you spend with your caboose parked in front of a computer really takes a toll in a number of ways. Here comes the connection: Since your psoas attaches to the lower back, if it's tight, then this creates an imbalance. Your hip flexors are much larger and stronger than your muscles in your lower back area, so when they play tug of war, your lower back muscles will lose the fight every time. (So THAT'S why my lower back hurts all the time!) Your glutes are strong enough to counteract the hip flexors. However, they're riding the bench while your hip flexors are hogging all the playing time. Even though your glute strength is actually needed, it's getting shut down because the tightness of your hip flexors prevents your glute muscles from activating. Incredible how connected everything is, right? Trust me, exercising your brain is just as important as exercising your body. Knowledge is power. Otherwise, you'd be targeting that behind all day long and not getting anywhere.
Now that we've identified the problem, let's talk about the solution. There are actually a few solutions: Massage (either self-administered or professionally-administered), foam rolling, exercises, or stretches. Foam rolling is magic for tight muscles, so I definitely recommend you get acquainted with a foam roller ASAP.
As for exercises, here are a few:

1. Overhead Lunges
-THE exercise to open up those hip flexors of yours!! It's essentially a
regular lunge, but you hold something in your hands while you perform
them, such as a plate or medicine ball. Keep those arms straight and
outstretched directly above your head as you do your lunges. This stretches
out your fascia, which then loosens your hip flexors.

2. Reverse Lunges
-Instead of stepping forward, you just step back! This works because
stepping back recruits your bum bum, which inhibits your hip flexors, which
relaxes your hip flexors and stretches them. Mission

3. Overhead Squats
-These are done while holding a bar overhead. This opens up your hip area
and encourages hip flexor range of motion. By holding the bar aloft,
you're forced to remain upright, which lengthens your hip flexors. The
bonus is that it's a stellar workout for your leggies!!!

Stretching is, of course, a key component. Click HERE for some yoga poses that will open up those hips. Crescent pose (which for some reason isn't included in this link) is one of my faves for loosening my hips up. To perform it, refer to the picture below:

It's a reallly good idea to perform these exercises and/or stretches right before you do the booty workout of your choice. If you're currently in the market for one, I highly recommend Brazil Butt Lift. This workout is no joke. Ouch. It's a Beachbody workout, so if you're interested in ordering (or not, either way is cool by me!) visit Whatever you choose to do, best of luck!!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

And The Winner Is...

Ever since I was little, my mom has always said that no matter how great someone's life looks, everyone has their struggles. Time and time again, she was proven right. Even though I grew up hearing this and watching it come true, it's still a lesson that I have to learn often.

This is especially true when it comes to comparing yourself to others. Whether you're comparing yourself to people you know or the starlets living the so-called glam life, you're setting yourself up for failure and unhappiness. Consider this an intervention, all you Facebook stalkers!! Remember:

Take away all the glitz and glam, all the Photoshop effects, all of the smoke and mirrors, and what do you have? Regular people with their own worries. You never know what is going on behind the scenes. And if you do happen to know someone who seems to always be sporting a genuine smile, then most likely this person has learned to come to peace with their life.

I am as Type A as they come. I always place so much pressure on myself, whether it's performing well in school, doing well at work, increasing my fitness level. I'm always looking at others and thinking, "Well, if they can do it then so can I!" But guess what??? I'M NOT THEM. AND THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. Everybody is so different. We all have different genes, different personalites, different insecurities, different strengths, different weaknesses. So what if your BFF's pre-pregnancy jeans zipped right up two days after she had her bundle of joy? Who cares if your co-worker can stuff her face with fries all day long and not gain an ounce, whereas if you so much as smell a hamburger wafting your way, you immediately pack on the pounds? Repeat after me: THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. Maybe your friend always stares longingly at your super toned calves, or your curves, or your stamina when climbing stairs without huffing and puffing the whole way up.

Turn your focus inward. Forget about your perceptions of other people and start using that energy on YOU. Nobody else has been through what you've been through, been dealt the same hand as you've been dealt. So how does it make any sense to compare yourself to others?? Everybody has their own game to play, and the only way you'll win is if you stop gawking at the other players and start engaging in your own game. Compete with yourself, and no matter what, you'll always come out on top!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

ready...set...GO GET HEALTHY

It's good to be back!! My fam was in town for a week, so when I wasn't slaving away at work, I was busy running around seeing the sights with them. Now that they're gone, I'm back ~ ready to attack!!

I'm actually really glad that they came, because it helped me to stay away from the gym and to eat more. I'm not going to lie, there were times when I felt like the biggest elephant on the block. My body reminded me in no uncertain terms that, yes, dairy is still enemy #1, and yes, gluten's not invited to the party, either. Thank goodness for baggy shirts and leggings!! Whenever I would feel frustrated with my body and how long it's taking to recover from adrenal fatigue, I would just remind myself that it's way more important to be healthy and honor my body than it is to be super skinny and super tired. No matter where you are in your body transformation journey, patience is essential. The harder you are on your body, the harder it is to restore it to health and the longer it takes. That's why it's so crucial to kick your bad health habits to the curb and start taking care of your body NOW. Don't wait!!! And if you're healthy now, don't stop taking care of yourself!!

Remember: Balance is the key to almost everything in health and life in general. Too little exercise is a bad thing, but so is too much exercise. Everybody has their own battle to fight in order to achieve and maintain balance.

For me, finding the motivation to exercise isn't the problem, but keeping my stress levels down is. For too long I've been too hard on my body, pounding it day after day with exercise that it just couldn't handle due to my health issues, and stressing to the max over the little things. So now I'm paying the price. Maybe for some of you, you're mellow yellow and have the relaxing thing down solid, yet you struggle to find the desire to get your sweat on. Or maybe you have a tough time making healthy food choices.

Whatever it may be, pledge RIGHT NOW to start doing right by you. My suggestion is to ease into it and pick one bad habit at a time to work on. Otherwise, you run the risk of feeling overwhelmed and eventually waving the white flag. So, take it one step at a time. Slowly build your momentum and confidence, and pretty soon you'll be feeling so fantastic that you'll be unstoppable!! Schedule monthly checkpoints in the future where you'll stop to assess your progress. As always, if you need help with anything, drop me a line!