Thursday, April 5, 2012

And The Winner Is...

Ever since I was little, my mom has always said that no matter how great someone's life looks, everyone has their struggles. Time and time again, she was proven right. Even though I grew up hearing this and watching it come true, it's still a lesson that I have to learn often.

This is especially true when it comes to comparing yourself to others. Whether you're comparing yourself to people you know or the starlets living the so-called glam life, you're setting yourself up for failure and unhappiness. Consider this an intervention, all you Facebook stalkers!! Remember:

Take away all the glitz and glam, all the Photoshop effects, all of the smoke and mirrors, and what do you have? Regular people with their own worries. You never know what is going on behind the scenes. And if you do happen to know someone who seems to always be sporting a genuine smile, then most likely this person has learned to come to peace with their life.

I am as Type A as they come. I always place so much pressure on myself, whether it's performing well in school, doing well at work, increasing my fitness level. I'm always looking at others and thinking, "Well, if they can do it then so can I!" But guess what??? I'M NOT THEM. AND THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. Everybody is so different. We all have different genes, different personalites, different insecurities, different strengths, different weaknesses. So what if your BFF's pre-pregnancy jeans zipped right up two days after she had her bundle of joy? Who cares if your co-worker can stuff her face with fries all day long and not gain an ounce, whereas if you so much as smell a hamburger wafting your way, you immediately pack on the pounds? Repeat after me: THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. Maybe your friend always stares longingly at your super toned calves, or your curves, or your stamina when climbing stairs without huffing and puffing the whole way up.

Turn your focus inward. Forget about your perceptions of other people and start using that energy on YOU. Nobody else has been through what you've been through, been dealt the same hand as you've been dealt. So how does it make any sense to compare yourself to others?? Everybody has their own game to play, and the only way you'll win is if you stop gawking at the other players and start engaging in your own game. Compete with yourself, and no matter what, you'll always come out on top!

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