Friday, March 9, 2012

bod for your buck

I'm sorry my posts have been so few and far between. I've been super focused on work and am still in recovery mode from adrenal fatigue, so some days it's all I can manage to go to work, work out, and study. I'll hopefully get a breather here in a few weeks, but until then...I'ma do my best!!

So awhile back I was pondering the mysteries of life (haha KIDDING!) and reflecting on what would motivate people to "invest" in their health and fitness. I started thinking in the literal sense and thought how many people seem to be driven by $$$. I mean, you have your crazy couponers out there (much respect if you do that!!), your savvy savers, your sales sistahs. We're a very budget-conscious society, especially in this current economy. Especially me ~ I bargain bin it with the best of them!! Anyways, so I started to think: Why not actually apply your budget skillzzz to your health/fitness? Let's say you paid me $200 upfront, and every time that you workout, you "earn" $10 back. Be honest: Would 30 minutes/an hour magically appear in your day, allowing you to get your sweat on so as not to let $200of your hard-earned cash bite the dust? For some reason, it seems so easy for people to justify not taking care of themselves and putting their health on the back burner. If you don't have time to work out now, how in the world are you going to find time to be sick later? And if money is what motivates you, trust me, doctor bills are NOT on the cheap side. And they don't accept payments in Trident Layers (I checked).

So INVEST IN YOURSELF. That's the best thing you could possibly do. If you don't make yourself a priority and take care of yourself now, pretty soon it will catch up with you (if it hasn't already)and if your body's out of commission, it realllly makes it hard to keep raking in those Gs.

Another idea is to put money in a jar every time you work out, then use those dollahs to treat yourself to a mani/pedi, new outfit, or something else to make yourself feel ravishing. Or do whatever the heck you want with it. It's your money. It's your life. Get the best "bod for your buck"!!!

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