Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Transformation Starts NOW

So my guilty pleasure as of late has been watching The Voice. If you haven't tuned in yet, YOU SHOULD (Monday nights on NBC or Saturday evenings on E!)! It's similar to American Idol, but better (no disrespect to all you Idol fans out there!).

Anyways, there's a guy on the show whom I'm rooting for and adore. His name is Jamar Rogers and I just think he's the coolest cat ever. His is a story of struggle and triumph. He used to be hooked on crystal meth, but came clean about six years ago. As a result of his drug use, he became HIV positive. Now as you know, there's usually a pretty negative stigma associated with HIV and AIDS. What I love about Jamar is how he threw pride to the wind and told his story for the world to hear, on a major national television network no less. He didn't worry about how people would judge him, what people would say, how he would be received and criticized. Instead of focusing on his present and potential haters, he was thinking about how those people struggling with their own battles (whether they be drugs, eating disorders, abusive relationships, depression) could possibly be touched by his story and enheartened to carry on.

I'm just so inspired by him and his transformation. (If you get a chance, I highly recommend you access the link to the interview that I'll provide at the bottom of this post.) For one, I love how open he is about his previous struggles. He overcame meth addiction, his HIV diagnosis, and severe depression. It's just fantastic how he blasts through a number of taboo "conditions" that most people try to keep hush hush due to the negative stigma, for fear of being judged. Everybody has struggles (and I mean EVERYBODY) so why put on a front and pretend otherwise? Wouldn't it be more constructive and make more sense to just acknowledge the fact that everyone has their battles and put that extra energy towards helping each other? I definitely think so. Secondly, I love how he has morphed into this incredible, humble, inspirational role model. Thirdly, he turned his weakness into a strength. He could have let his struggles define him. Instead, he used them to become stronger and to reach out and relate to other people, encouraging them to overcome whatever is getting them down.

So how in the world does this apply to YOUR health and fitness? In a number of ways!!

1. It's NEVER too late for a transformation!!!
-the life you want is yours for the taking, so go get it!!

2. You are not alone
-everyone has something they're struggling with
-we can all help each other!

3. You are not defined by your [current] condition
-As Jamar and his mom point out, you may have a condition, but don't let it have

4. Watch this clip of Jamar performing, because it'll make you smile (or cry!),
which burns calories, which keeps you fit! :) the dude can SING!!!!

Click HERE to watch Jamar perform

Click HERE to read the full article (the highlights are bolded in the article)


  1. Whit I love I did my first half hour of Bob and Jillian's workout's not much, but it's a start right?

  2. get it, girl! chest bump!! so proud. :)
