Source: via Whitney on Pinterest
Hey you. Did you eat breakfast this morning?? If not, was it because: A)You didn't have time. B) You're trying to save those calories for a "splurge" meal later today. C) You weren't hungry. D) Breakfast just isn't your thing?
Well, guess what? You need to make it your thing. If you want your body to be good to you, you have to be good to it. Bottom line. Do you ever decide, "Oh, I need to start pinching those pennies. I think I'll save some $$ and just not put gas in my car. I'll just power through." Sounds ridiculous, right? It IS ridiculous. Unless you're Wilma Flinstone, your car needs fuel. Same with your body. It doesn't buy into the whole "diet" shtick. See where I'm going with this? You see, what happens when you stop fueling your body is your body thinks it's going into starvation mode. Yeah, you'll drop some LBs right off the bat, but then your body will start to panic and think, "Oh no!! I don't know when I'll get food again. I better hang onto every calorie I can and store it as FAT so I'll have a backup plan just in case I don't get nutrients for awhile." And then it takes awhile to convince your body that the Rapture isn't near and it's safe to start blasting through those calories again.
Source: via Whitney on Pinterest
Breakfast is super important because it sets your metabolism for the rest of the day. You skip breakfast and all sorts of bad things happen. Your body starts storing those extra calories, your blood sugar takes a nosedive, your brain can't focus, you're more likely to binge later in the day... No bueno, right? Trust me, I know how it is when food doesn't sound appealing in the A.M. I wake up starving, but my prescribed herbal regimen I have to take before eating completely wipes out any appetite. So what do I do? I eat something anyway, because I know just how important it is.
Also, if you really aren't ever hungry in the morning, then that could possibly be a red flag that something is wrong with your health. A hungry tummy in the morning means that everything is zooming along and your body's going about its business like it should. If you have a persistent lack of appetite in the morning (and you haven't just worked out) then this is something you should run by your doc. If you're not hungry, then this is maybe because your body has other problems it's addressing, rather than worrying about taking in and digesting nutrients. Or perhaps your digestion system is out of wack and your body isn't digesting food as quickly as it should. The possible causes are many, which is why a physician should be consulted.
It's not just with breakfast, though. You should never skip meals if you're hungry. Ever. Unless, of course, it's for a religious reason or something equally justifiable. Being hungry is miserable and is MUCH MUCH MUCH worse for you in the long run. MUCH worse. Sure, you may feel svelte now, but you'll be singin' a different tune when your metabolism is giving you the finger and is in slow-mo. Although every body is different, and each day is different, a good general rule of thumb is to not go more than four hours without eating. You hear me?!! So plan ahead! Almonds are a fantastic powerhouse snack. So are apples, as well as almond butter and celery. Whatever it is, just feed that face of yours!! And even if you're not hungry right now but know that you'll going somewhere and won't have access to food for awhile (example: if you're going to a play) then have a little nibble just to tide you over. Do try to stay away from packaged (and PROCESSED) foods as much as possible, though. What you gain in convenience you lose in nutrition. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The closest a food is to its natural form, the better. More about that later... Until then, BON APPETIT!!
Source: via Whitney on Pinterest
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