Monday, February 27, 2012

The Big "O"

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Just one of many quotes from Hippocrates that I love. The dude knew what he was talking about!! This nugget of wisdom definitely applies to modern times, especially considering all of the junk that's passed off as food. And even if you steer clear of the processed foods and strive to eat whole foods, you're still dealing with loads of pesticides, hormones, and other toxins that are just plain bad news. Kind of makes you feel like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, right?!

All it takes is a little awareness, a little education, and a little conscientious effort when it comes to your food. In order to save you hours of research, I'll give you a quick breakdown. For starters, let's talk organic. Most people I talk to are a little hazy on what exactly this label means. Specifically, it refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meat. Basically, it just means that the farmers avoid using chemicals (by using such methods as crop rotation, natural fertilizer, etc.).

So what's the big deal, you ask? A few chemicals in your food can't be that bad, or else they'd put a stop to it, right?! WRONG. After all, they keep selling cigarettes, right?? Studies keep emerging spotlighting the harmful effects of hormones and pesticides on our health. Much of our current-day health crisis can be blamed on the toxins in our environment and food. The book that really woke me up was Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels (I highly recommend it for many reasons!). She cites study after study highlighting the awful toll that toxins have taken on our health. The evidence is horrifying. Fortunately, more light is being shed on the issue, which leads to more research being conducted to substantiate the claims, which leads to more actions being taken to address the issue. My doctor fully embraces going organic and recommended the film "Forks Over Knives" for further reference.

So how do these toxins affect you?? Get this: Pesticides in non-organic food have ben shown to reduce fertility, impact your immune system (leaving you more susceptible to illness and vulnerable to some forms of cancer!), and pack on the pounds (by interfering with your hormone levels). Take it from me, anything that messes with your hormones is baaaad news.

This doesn't mean you have to forbid non-organic food from ever touching your lips again. When it comes to fruit and veggies, there's a group dubbed the "Dirty Dozen" that guessed it...the dirtiest of them all, as well as a group titled the "Clean Fifteen" that aren't as bad (click on these terms to access the list). Generally, it's best to suck it up and go organic when it comes to meat/poultry, eggs, dairy, and fruits/veggies with edible skin. Important note: If the product doesn't sport the label "USDA-certified organic" then no deal!! Same goes for all-natural. Unless the USDA has given its stamp of approval, then it's an empty promise (unless it was locally grown, i.e. at a farmer's market). One great company is Organicbettylous. The owner did her homework and you know you're getting a high-quality product.

One teensy complaint is that organic products cost a little bit more. One thing you have to ask yourself is if you want to pay a high grocery bill now or a high hospital bill later. Unless Dr. Oz is your pops and you get the family discount, hospital bills tend to run a wee bit more than grocery bills! Many people find ordering online lots cheaper. Trader Joe's is a great, cheap option, and Whole Foods is popular, too. Hit up the farmers markets, too. And just think: If we all take a stand against the use of toxins, then companies will respond to the increased demand and organic products will become more widely available AND cheaper!! We demand it, they supply it, so start demanding!!!

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